
你想服务和保护公众吗? Are you interested in investigation and the law? 你对公共服务感兴趣吗?

如果答案是 YES 对于这些问题,请查看我们的 公共安全组 的程序! 十大彩票平台 can be your entry to a career in a rapidly growing industry or a pathway to “upskill” your current skill set as you aim for that next promotion!

你可以使用最先进的设备, materials, and technology while learning from experienced instructors who have practical hands-on experience! You’ll learn by doing and not just listening and discussing!


修读大学课程的学生 公共安全组 的程序 find employment opportunities as in:

  • 修正
  • 紧急情况和危机管理
  • 消防员和消防安全官员
  • 火灾调查
  • 国土安全
  • 司法宣传
  • 少年司法
  • 执法
  • 法律研究
  • 地方和州政府
  • 假释官
  • 很多很多!

*看看我们的 就业服务页面 where you can learn more about the support we provide throughout your education and your career. 职业教练 gives you immediate access to current job opportunities, 简历制作师, and search tools to learn more about the career landscape and employment opportunities in your field!



刑事司法 - Are you interested in law enforcement, corrections, or working in the courts? Do you work in this field and seek the knowledge and certifications necessary for a promotion? The 刑事司法 Associate Degree will give you a strong foundation in:

  • The three-component criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections
  • Knowledge to continue on for advanced studies in law, 社会工作, 受害者的宣传, 以及其他相关行业

Are you interested in studying criminology, the legal system, or crime control and justice? 刑事司法转移 是打算给学生的吗 continue their education at a four-year institution. This program is designed to give students a strong foundation in:

  • The three-component criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections
  • The fields of law enforcement, corrections, law, 社会工作, 受害者的宣传, and many more

The program can also provide in-service personnel with the knowledge and certifications necessary for promotions. Our highly qualified professors bring real-world knowledge and expertise to guide you through your education. In addition, the 刑事司法转移 program is part of MassTransfer, making it a great start to an advanced degree


火灾调查及转移- Fire Investigators are employed by local, state, and federal agencies and the private sector. 作为一名火灾调查专业的学生,你将:

  • 培养敏锐的眼光, 致力于发现真相, and the professional integrity to follow your findings through the legal system
  • Receive the preparation to continue your education towards a Bachelor’s degree in 火灾调查, 国土安全, 或消防科学, 基于你感兴趣的领域.

Apply today and open a door to this exciting field where you can make a difference in the safety of your fellow citizens.


The 消防与安全 program is designed to provide professional training for students in careers as firefighting professionals in fire protection and safety agencies. Our highly qualified and experienced instructors guide you to success in learning the specialized knowledge required of firefighters. 工作包括:

  • Opportunities in municipal, state, and federal agencies
  • 保险公司及行业.

This program is designed to meet the needs of potential and in-service firefighters seeking promotional opportunities by providing practical and technical instruction.


有关这些项目的更多信息, please complete the information request form below and select the programs that you are interested in. 您也可以跳过此步骤并 Apply Now 或找到更多关于可能的职业 职业教练.